
9. 이영환, 권태규, 박민혁*, "Review on Atomic Layer Deposition of HfO2-based Ferroelectrics for Semiconductor Devices",  Journal of the Korean institute of surface engineering, 55(5):247-260, 2022.10.31

8. 양건, 박주용, 이동현, 김세현, 유근택, 박근형, 이은빈, 이제인, 박민혁*, "A Brief Review on the Ferroelectric Fluorite-Structured Nanolaminate", Korean Journal of Metals and Materials, 59(12): 849-856, 2021.

7. 박민혁, "강유전체 메모리의 르네상스: 게임체인저가 될 수 있을까?", 물리학과 첨단기술, 강유전체 100주년 기념 특별호, 2021.

6. 유근택, 박근형, 이은빈, 박민혁, "Review of the mechanism for Ferroelectric Phase Formation in Fluorite-structure Oxide", New Physics: Sae Mulli, 71: 890-900, 2021.

5. 김세현, 박근형, 이은빈, 유근택, 이동현, 양건, 박주용, 박민혁*, "A Brief Review on Polarization Switching Kinetics in Fluorite-structured Ferroelectrics", J. Korean Inst. Surf. Eng., 53(6): 330-342, 2020.

4.  양건, 박주용, 이동현, 박민혁*, "Electrocaloric Effect in Emerging Fluorite-Structure Ferroelectrics", Korean J. Mater. Res., 30(9): 480-488, 2020.

3. 이동현, 양건, 박주용, 박민혁*, "A brief review on the effect of impurities on the atomic layer deposited fluorite-structure ferroelectrics", J. Korean. Inst. Surf. Eng., 53(4): 169-181, 2020. 

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